Become a Wilton Art™ Founder
Wilton Art™ would not exist without the generous donations of people in the community who have a love of the arts.
The first 100 donors to Wilton Art™ are part of our Wilton Art™ Founders and will receive advanced notice on upcoming events and other benefits.
If you would like to be one of our founding benefactors, please go to our DONATE page and make a minimum $50 donation (even more graciously accepted). If donating through PayPal , please make sure to let us know the transaction number via message on the website or email at with the PayPal Receipt number. If paying by check, please put Wilton Art in the memo section.
Please Mail Check with “Wilton Art” in Memo and mail to:
Matt Gill / Wilton Art
120 NE 29th St.
Wilton Manors, FL 33334
The donation will be made through Wilton Art, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
"Make a Living. Make a Life. Make a Contribution." -M.E. Davenport