Wilton Art® Announces Our Closure
Thank You for the Fun-Filled Time We Created Together!
Six years ago, Wilton Art® was established to create, support, and expand art in The City of Wilton Manors. Our concept has always been to focus on unique and different ways to fulfill that goal. During that time, we have touched many people through semi-permanent art installations as well as some temporary installations.
As with all things, there comes a time of reflection to evaluate purpose, mission, and forward plans. Based on that internal assessment, the Board of Directors of Wilton Art® has decided that it is time to close Wilton Art®.
It is with joy that this overall concept was created, sadness that it is time to move on, and a deep sense of pride that we were able to bring art to residents, viewers, neighbors, and the occasional unsuspecting tourist.
All of the remaining funds from Wilton Art will be re-directed to other non-profits, an art department in a local school and to provide students with art scholarships.
With utmost gratitude and thanks, we appreciate each of you as you have joined, followed, contributed, and assisted in bringing Wilton Art® to life.
Remember art is powerful, joyful, sad, happy, thought-provoking, and mind-blowing. Immerse yourself in art, and discover new areas that challenge and delight you. Honor the artists, raise them up, and support arts throughout our area.
With passion and thankfulness.
Wilton Art®
See you soon at another art-filled event.